Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

How to Become the Go-To Expert in Any Niche Online with No Previous Experience

Are you entering a niche in which you have ZERO experience? Good. Actually, great! Here’s what you do…

How to Become the Go-To Expert in Any Niche Online with No Previous Experience

Start a blog. From day 1, explain that you know nothing about (your new topic, such as cooking) but you’re on a quest to learn (a specific outcome or goal, like how to make the world’s best pancakes) and invite the reader to make the journey with you.

Now start reading about your topic. A lot. Buy and use the products in your niche. Write about what you learn, and tell about your experience with the products. Recommend the good ones.

Once you’ve got a dozen or more blog posts, start asking experts in the niche for interviews. If you’re too shy or nervous at first, you can start with email interviews and work your way up to audio interviews. You become the researcher / reporter, and you let the experts handle the heaving lifting.

In 1-5 years? Now YOU’RE the expert. And you never had to lie about knowing stuff you didn’t know when you got started. In fact, you have to be honest, truthful and yourself the entire time. And you’ve built a tremendous rapport with your audience who very much feel you’re just like them.

When you use this formula, your readers will trust you and they’ll act on your advice, whether that’s to buy an affiliate product you recommend, buy your own products or eventually let you coach them.


Why You Should Email Your List Every Day

I’m not sure why I’m still getting pushback on how often to email your list. My answer is daily, or even more often if you’ve got a good reason. But a lot of marketers out there ‘know’ that the ‘rule’ is to email 3 times per week. Except… it’s not.

Why You Should Email Your List Every Day

Picture your favorite sexy movie star, whoever that might be. Imagine that every day that sexy movie star emails you a new picture of themselves – naked.

Would you think they are mailing too often? Doubtful. I’m going to guess you would be eagerly anticipating that next email and opening it with delight.

Disclaimer: Do NOT send your list naked pictures of yourself. That was just to prove the point that if your emails are interesting enough, people will welcome them every day.

If your emails contain tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers or hot stock picks, will they get opened? You bet.

But if your emails are lame, boring or worse, then what happens? People say you’re emailing too often because they aren’t interested in what you’re sending them. Think about how to make your email content more like a hot stock pick or a naked movie star, and less about boring stuff no one cares about. Then you can email as often as you like.

As always, learn to live with unsubscribes because you’re going to get people unsubscribing no matter how frequently or infrequently you mail. Don’t worry about it.

And one more thing… if you’re still skeptical about the value of emailing every day, do this test: Take a look at how much you earned from your list in the last 30 days. Now email daily for the next 30 days and compare totals. You’ll notice a big difference.

Customers buy when they are ready. Thinking you can send one or two emails and get all the potential sales out there is naïve at best. You’ve got to keep reminding them of why they want to buy and do it in a way that makes them want to read your emails.

Tall order, right? But you know your niche and you know what makes them tick and what best grabs their interest. Now use that special insider knowledge and email your list something engaging every single day!


Double Your Income with Just One Email?

Here’s a quick case study that could potentially double your email profits. This marketer sends out an email to his list 5 or 6 days a week. These emails have news, information and one offer. But on the seventh day, he does something completely different, and this one simple change is doubling his income every week. I’ll bet this can work for you too!

Double Your Income with Just One Email?

So how does it work… Well, he calls it his “Weekly Roundup” and in it he lists all the hottest selling affiliate products offered that week. Each one gets a short section of its own with a title, description and his affiliate link.

He says that most weeks he makes as much from that one email as he does from all of his other emails combined.

I asked him if he didn’t get more unsubscribes from that email, since it looks so different from his others, but he says he makes it look and feel different on purpose. It’s his way of letting his audience know it’s the one-time weekly email, and the rest of the week they’d be getting good content and not just a sales pitch.

He also titles it, “Weekly Roundup” and uses a date such as, “January 1-7, 2023” to indicate this email will only show up once a week.

Yes, it’s simple, and often the best marketing strategies are. Implement this into your own email marketing plan and you can potentially 2x+ your income with a single weekly email.


Grow Your Profits with Personalized Offers

If you already have an email list of customers, here’s an easy way to increase your profits.

Grow Your Profits with Personalized Offers

One day each month, look at what your customers have purchased. If Joe bought a $10 ebook, a corresponding $47 software and a $297 course, then he might be ready for some one-on-one coaching. Email him a note reminding him of what he’s purchased and make your offer.

Or maybe Anita is purchasing $297 per month coaching from you and she’s loving the results she’s getting. Offer her an entire year of coaching for $2,500, saving her a thousand dollars and earning you a big up front payday.

What if you only sell affiliate products? If Robert purchased three different products from you and they’re all on traffic generation, do you think you can find a $497 traffic course that might be exactly what he’s ready for?

This is all about making personalized offers to some of your best customers. Some will say no, but if the offers are properly tailored, some will also say yes. And that can spell an extra four or five figures for you each month for only a day’s work.


How to Gain a Big Audience for Your Blog

Plenty of bloggers like to write about their thoughts, their day or the crazy thing that happened to them on the way to the zoo. But this type of blogging is generally more for fun than for profit. To make significant money with your blog, you’ll want to focus on keyword phrases and questions your target audience is actively searching for at this time.

How to Gain a Big Audience for Your Blog

When you help people solve problems through free and valuable content that is relevant to your business, you reach larger audiences and build trust. The best part is you get the opportunity to show people how your products and services can help them solve their problems and fulfill their desires and needs.

Let’s say that you’re a real estate agent. Your potential clients aren’t looking for your recipe for apple pie, the award you won last week or even the number of houses you sold this month. What they do want is their questions answered:

→ “How do you buy a house?”
→ “What credit score is needed to get financing for a house?”
→ “What is the best way to invest in real estate with 10% down?”
→ “How do I know I’m buying in a good neighborhood?”
→ “What are the easiest ways to increase the selling price of my home?”

Find out what real estate prospects want to know, and then use those exact questions for your titles. Give helpful info in the blog posts and then refer them to your squeeze page to get your lead magnet, or suggest they give you a call to further answer their questions.

These types of posts can rank high in search engines without tricks because they are exactly what searchers are looking for. And once you rank, you’ll be getting free, consistent traffic from Google.

This works in just about any and every niche you can think of and it’s an easy way to demonstrate your authority while building an audience that is super receptive to your offers and services.

Here’s how you can take this knowledge and double the impact: Use the same approach for your YouTube videos. YouTube is simply a search engine for videos, which is why ranking on YouTube is similar to ranking on Google.

Choose keyword phrases and questions that match what people are looking for on YouTube. Create videos with those titles that are packed with great info. And invite your viewers to visit your website, subscribe to your list or take the action you seek.

Using this method and being consistent will yield powerful results: Free targeted traffic, building your authority with your new viewers and readers, along with gaining a steady stream of new subscribers and customers.


Can You Really Earn $5,000+ Per Month Selling Older Affiliate Products This Way?

In the online marketing world, programs typically are promoted hard for a few days or weeks once they launch. After that, marketers and affiliates alike tend to move on to the next hot thing. This opens up a huge opportunity for anyone willing to do a little leg work. And this can work in multiple niches – not just online marketing.

Can You Really Earn $5,000+ Per Month Selling Older Affiliate Products This Way?

One gal I know (I’ll call her Betsy for our purposes) watches her favorite marketers to see what products they create. She knows the products are high quality because she knows these particular product creators and is familiar with their work.

Once a product seller is no longer actively promoting a product – which can generally take 1 to 6 months – Betsy contacts them and asks if they can do a deal. Sometimes she buys the rights to the product and thus gets to sell it for any price she chooses and keep 100% of her sales.

Other times she negotiates a deal for her customers – a steep discount they can only get by purchasing through her.

And third, Betsy will sometimes put together a package deal of 2 or more products, either from the same or different product creators, and these package deals tend to do really well.

She builds her list by advertising that she offers steep discounts on popular programs as well as many freebies, too.

And that’s a good point… she is highly generous with ‘one problem – one solution reports’, generating about one per week and giving them away to her list. Of course, each report also promotes a discounted program, so there is a method to her generosity. I don’t know how much she’s earning doing this, but I suspect it is far, far in excess of the $5,000 a month I mentioned above.

This model could also work with anything that can be discounted, including services, tangible products and so forth. It’s a nice little business and I’d estimate she only spends about 2 hours a day on it. I think anyone can use this income strategy. How about you?


Is This Weird Psychological Phenomena Keeping You Broke?

Let me ask you a question… “As an online marketer, how much should you earn?” It’s like asking how long a piece of string is. But here’s the rub: When I asked that question, I’ll bet you had an answer. And I’ll also bet that answer isn’t all that far away from what you’re used to making.

Is This Weird Psychological Phenomena Keeping You Broke?

We get a job, go to work and earn $40,000. That means on some level we perceive that we are worth $40,000 a year. Your colleagues also make about $40,000 which is further ‘evidence’ that this amount is what you ‘should’ be getting paid.

How then, are you going to shift your mindset to earning $40,000 a MONTH?

Imagine going to work tomorrow and your coworker says they just got a raise from $40,000 a year to $40,000 a month. Your mind would be blown, right?

But in online marketing there are no rules for what you can and cannot earn. The only limits to how successful you can become are the ones you impose on yourself, and a surprisingly big factor is how much you think you are worth.

If you’ve earned a small sum of money all your life and now you intend to earn a big sum, you’re going to have to change your thinking and decide that you are indeed WORTH that larger sum of money.

You hold your own income potential in your hands, and it doesn’t matter what ANY other marketer is earning.

A friend of mine who does quite well (high six figures) in online marketing took a newcomer to lunch one day to give him a few tips. Three years later that newcomer was out-earning my friend by 10:1.

Somehow you’ve got to get your mind around the fact that there is no one in the same position as you in online marketing. There is no pay scale or ladder to climb. You don’t need to get seniority or even master the intricacies (you can use outsourcers for that).

Anything is possible. You can write your own paycheck by using smarter thinking and doing the work necessary.

Find that little voice in your head that says you’re not worth $X amount of dollars and tell that little guy or gal to shut up.

You decide what you’re worth and what you are capable of. Because in online marketing, anything is possible.


THE Secret to Making Money Online?

If someone were to ask you what the #1 ‘secret’ to making money online was, what would you say? Any guesses?

THE Secret to Making Money Online?

Maybe you’d say it’s to find a starving crowd. Or to build and nurture a list. Or to get in on the beginning of a hot new trend. All of these are good answers. And all of these are wrong.

THE big secret to making money online is one that crosses all niches, applies to all markets and marketers, and works just about every single time to make REAL money. It’s how six and seven figure incomes are almost always earned. And it’s also how YOU can begin earning 6 figures in the next 12 months.

Now then – before I reveal this ‘secret,’ let me warn you that you might have heard it before. In fact, some online marketers have to hear this a dozen times or more before it really starts to sink in. That’s because the most powerful techniques often masquerade as something a bit boring. Or tedious. Or uninteresting.

After all, taking a wheelbarrow full of cash to the bank is exciting. Earning it is often something altogether different. Ready?

Here’s the ‘secret…’

“Find a profitable formula – and then SCALE it up.”

Yup. That’s it. Pretty simple, I know. Yet 98% of marketers will never do it. And 97% of marketers will stay broke because of it.

Let’s say you spend time making the perfect product for a super hungry niche. You tweak the offer to get it converting sky high. You bring on affiliates to help you promote. Everything is in place. You launch, you have an extremely profitable week…

…and then what?

For most marketers, they will turn their attention to creating the next product and doing the entire process again. And because of that, they will leave a tremendous amount of money on the table.

If your offer sells for $19 and you’re converting at 5%, then you’re making $95 for every 100 people you send to your site. This doesn’t even include the list you’re building and will market to over and over again.

Now then, if you can buy those 100 visitors for $40, you’ve just make a profit of $55. Buy 1,000 visitors and you’ve made $550. Buy 10,000 visitors and you’ve made $5,500. But wait, there’s more!

What if you add a backend product? Just one sale per 100 visitors of a $100 product increases your profit from $55 to $155. 10,000 visitors? $15,500 profit.

You can also add coaching, continuity (membership) programs, etc. for even more profit.

Are you following me here?

Let’s use an analogy: Someone invests 3 months to open a hair salon. They have a big grand opening with lots of customers. And when that dies down, they close shop, move across town and do it all over again. Yeah, that would be pretty crazy. Yet that’s what 98% of online marketers do.

They create a product, launch it, have a great week and then start all over again. And they wonder why they are still struggling. So what’s the takeaway?

→ Invest time in building a profitable, high-converting funnel.

→ Test it out and do the math – how much can you spend on advertising and still make money?

→ Start by investing small and ramp your way up.

→ Don’t forget to build your list – your funnel is your upfront money, and your list is your “go to” money. That is, whenever you need funds or simply want to boost your income, you can go to your list and make them an offer.

What will derail you in this process:

→ Getting lured away by the glamour of creating another new product funnel when you should be scaling up the one you already have.

→ Fear of spending money to make money. Yes, spending $1,000 or more to make sales is scary. That’s why you want to start small, make sure your entire funnel is working, and then scale up. And up. And Up.

Your biggest mistake – would be brushing this advice off. Fortunes have been made simply by creating a profitable funnel and then scaling it up.


As in nearly 7 figures made from one ClickBank product…


That’s right – 6 Pack Abs at the pinnacle of its success was earning over $11 million per year.

Your results will vary.


7 Mistakes Made on Your About Me Page

A good ‘About Me’ Page doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. In fact, it just needs to communicate a few key things. And yet people keep making these same 7 mistakes over and over again on their About Pages.

7 Mistakes Made on Your About Me Page

1: Surprise! Your ‘About Me’ Page isn’t about you.

Nope. It’s about the person who visits the page. This is where you tell that person why they should bother with you, or products or your site.

Talk about their problems which you solve. Talk about how you can help them to achieve their goals. Let them know what’s in it for them. And only talk about yourself in the context of how you help your readers.

2: You’re talking too much.

Your About Me Page should be interesting, not mundane; just long enough, but no longer. Write your rough draft for your About Page. Set it aside for a day or two. Come back and remove everything that doesn’t move your prospect closer to knowing you, liking you and trusting you. Then have a friend read it and tell them to point out all the parts where they were losing interest, and either fix or remove those.

3: Your writing is boring.

Borrrrrringgggg. Snooze… Write in your own voice, lose the hype and the jargon, be a little funny and most of all, be your real self and not some drone.

4: You’re using only video.

Sure, video is great for establishing rapport… with those people who like video. But you’ll have visitors who don’t want to have audio blasting for everyone around them to hear, and you’ll have other visitors who don’t want to sit through a 5-minute video.

If you do use video, keep it short and be sure to include text, too.

5: Your picture is AWOL.

Okay, having your photo on your About Page is optional. I know some people like to keep their face on the down-low because, well… trolls. But if you don’t mind having your photo online, then by all means put it on your About Page to give people a better sense of who you are. It will also help them to remember you, too.

6: Your name is missing.

Have you ever been on a website with awesome writing and you wanted to know who is writing this stuff, but the About Page just has some corporate mumbo-jumbo and nobody’s NAME? I have. You need a first name and a last name, so don’t just say, “Bob” because I want to know, Bob WHO?

If your name is too generic, such as John Smith, you might add a middle name to everything you do online to make it easier to find you in the search engines, such as John Vincent Smith. If you don’t want to use your REAL name, that’s okay, too. Many people work under professional pseudonyms. Also, remember to add any professional, relevant credentials you might have.

7: You don’t have an About Page.

If you’ve read this far, then I’m guessing you understand the importance of an About Page, even if you don’t have one yet. If you’re hoping no one has noticed that you don’t have one, well… we have.

And if you’ve given it some totally clever name like, “Guess What?” “The Deets” or “Check This Out” then it would be a great idea to rename it to “About” or “About Me.” Why? Because if I’m looking for the “About Me” page then I’m going to pass right over all those ‘clever’ names and assume you didn’t bother to create an About page.


Try Reverse Podcasting for Fast Credibility

If you’re new to marketing or don’t yet have a large following, starting your own podcast can be an uphill slog that takes months of work before you start to build real traction.

Try Reverse Podcasting for Fast Credibility

But being a guest speaker on established podcasts – what I call reverse podcasting – can immediately establish your credibility and send hot prospects to your website.

It doesn’t matter if you have a track record online because your offline experience can work just as well for getting interviewed. Remember that podcasters are always looking for interesting people to interview who bring value to their listeners.

To find out which podcasts might be a good fit for you, choose someone well-known in your niche and then discover what podcasts have had them as a guest. These are the podcasts you want to approach.

Typically, podcasters will want to know what you can offer their listeners in terms of great info. They will also link to your website in their podcast description (great for not just traffic, but also SEO) and place your name in the podcast’s title.

Once you’ve been a guest on numerous podcasts, then it might be time to consider starting your own podcast. And your first guests can be the podcasters who interviewed you since you’ve already established a relationship with them.

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